Friday, January 16, 2009

God brought to my mind today the word value. To value our relationships is of utmost importance. If we don't value God, we won't value each other. If we don't value each other, we won't learn to walk in humility, we won't make ammends, we won't dare to step out of our comfort zone, we won't take risks, we won't really love, we won't be kind or gentle or respectful. The value we place on people determines how far we will go to make sure we are absolutely a blessing to that person. If we truly value each other, just like God values us, we will stop at nothing to love or to see people clear and free. We will lay down our very lives, just like Jesus did, for nothing else but the sake of others. We must begin to live this way and show the world a different way. I would appreciate any comments on this because of how important of a topic this is. Blessings!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Well it has been awhile since I've updated about MCOKC, so here it goes. Wow, God has been doing so much and speaking a lot to us. We are beginning to own some of the prophetic words that have been given to us. It's exciting, because we are seeing that this is really a prophetic class. God has raised our level of desperation. We are desperate for Him and for unity. We have seen some strategies of the enemy to bring us down or tear us apart or keep us from being all we are called to be, so now we know how we can fight. We have Thanksgiving break this coming week, and only one of the students will be going home. Thanks again if you've been praying. We could always use prayer!

Monday, October 20, 2008

When I am alone
Here with you I'll sit at your throne.
I know that you don't even care
What time of day, as long as I'm here.

You draw me in
As if I've never sinned
And all I know
Is I'm your child.

There is no fear
Because you want me here.
You long to be close
To your created.

Your heart beats
The rhythm of my life.
Your message speaks
Of love.
You stand outside
Of this space and time
And everything you are and have
Is mine.

What can I say
To the faithful way
You pick me up
When I fall
And go astray?
I will never leave you
Never, ever leave you.
All I want is to hear
You breathe.

I will never leave you
For you have never left me
And I know you never will.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Well, it is Friday, and because Larissa is in Kirkland, we have the day off for the most part. The week went well, I think. Last night we had a time of worship and prayer with MC and youth at Covenant Life Church (where we also have class every day). The focus was on healing and our nation. As I am in charge of prophetic painting this year, I set up a couple easels for anyone who wanted to paint, and I ended up being one of them. It was really cool how God tied in my painting (as well as Frances') with the songs, prayers, and scriptures that were read. It's really cool, because just recently I have begun to see something change in the MC students. It's like God is softening them and they are finally becoming more comfortable with all of us. I think they are learning to trust and be free. God is doing great things down here; thank you so much for your prayers!!

Monday, September 22, 2008

We have officially inducted this year's 3 students and anticipation for what the year will hold is growing! Many words have been spoken over the year and there have been many confirmations already. We really see this as a building year. The foundation has been laid, now it's time to build. Also, this is going to be a healing and restoring year. God wants to rain on the dry ground. Last night we had our sharing time at the Cunkle's house. All the graduates got to share and then the students. It was awsome because all 3 students were open about what they wanted from this year and they all believe that God wants them here. That is very definitely a good start! Though it will be hard at times, I believe God is going to help us take off running. And we will continure to prepare the way for the coming years. It is amazing to be a part of this vision. Thank you for your prayers!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Well, I am here in OKC. It is nice and warm outside, though I have not gotten many chances to be out there. This week is intern training/preparation time. We have been hearing a lot from God as to the direction he wants to take us this year and have been getting to know each other better within the new staff. We have seen how he has sovereignly joined us specifically for this year. We've also been working on getting everything ready for the students to come and preparing the way in prayer. We are excited to welcome them this weekend. If you would like to pray for us, pray for greater unity in the churches and in the MC staff, pray that God's love would be poured out on us and hence on the students, pray for guidance and a continued sensitivity to what the Holy Spirit is doing, and just a willingness in all of us to give God control and let him direct our steps. I greatly appreciate it, and I know Pastor Dwight and the rest of the staff do as well.

Friday, September 12, 2008

So I begin a new journey. God recently told me that he wants to take me somewhere, and that I should just follow him wherever he leads me. Well, he has, and this is just another step. I leave tomorrow morning for Oklahoma City. I know a little bit of what to expect but not completely, as there yet remain mysteries such as who I'm to stay with. But I trust the Lord. He is my eyes. He sees what I can't. And I'm holding onto him. I know this year will bring many things, and I anticipate much. If you get the chance, say a prayer for this year's coming Master's Commission class and staff for OKC. Thanks for being a part of this journey.